May 17, 2024
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Going through the process of planning and designing a custom residential shed is exciting. However, after construction is completed looking after a shed is an essential task to ensure it remains in pristine condition and lasts for many years.

Maintaining a shed is often something that is neglected. A well maintained shed will ensure that it stands the test of time and lasts for as long as possible. Regular maintenance will prevent costly repairs by identifying small issues before they become large problems. A well maintained shed is not only good for the outside structure, the inside of a shed will benefit as well by keeping its contents clean and well preserved.

How Do I Look After A Shed?

There are many steps to consider to properly maintain a shed, some more obvious than others. Maintenance isn’t just about fixing the structure, cleaning is also an important part of the process as it helps to keep custom residential sheds in good condition throughout their lifespan.

Checking The Roof

With good quality materials such as Bluescope steel and Colorbond, you can be confident that your shed roof will remain strong throughout all types of weather. However, it doesn’t hurt to check every now and then to help keep your shed roof in the best condition possible. Be sure to clear away debris after storms; check for leaks, cracks and mould.

Check For Cracks And Breaks In The Walls

Heavy rain or storms may damage other parts of your shed besides the roof, so you should check the structure after bad weather for any breaks, cracks or leaks. If you find darker patches, this may indicate a leak. Also, be sure to check the floor as well.

Clean The Inside

Regular cleaning, sweeping, organisation and water blasting concrete floors can make a huge difference. Keeping the inside of your shed clean will prevent the contents from becoming dirty or musty smelling. Cleaning is also beneficial to prevent infestations. Vermin are less likely to stick around if there’s regular activity going on.


Sheds can get cluttered quickly, especially when used for storage. While cleaning, it’s a good idea to organise your shed’s contents as well to make everything easy to find. Using hooks and shelves is a great way to organise tools and other items, and this will make cleaning much easier in the long run.

Wash The Outside

Giving your shed’s exterior a good clean every now and then to remove dust and dirt will help to prevent permanent stains from developing and keep the exterior in good condition.

Clear Outside Clutter

Often sheds accumulate a lot of clutter around the outside walls. Unused building materials and green waste tend to get dumped behind a shed. By making sure this area is free from clutter you will prevent damaging the walls and reduce the risk of vermin making a home in or near your shed.

Custom residential sheds are the perfect addition to many homes. However, to keep your shed in pristine condition for as long as possible, maintaining it is essential. Regular maintenance for sheds will ensure a strong, clean and sturdy shed for many years.